Thursday, August 27, 2009

prostitutes can sell sex... and clothes, too.

last night in the "sex-y" streets of rio de janeiro, brazil, prostitutes modeled the most recent collection for designer DASPU, a line inspired by, well.... prostitutes. 

seems pretty self-explanatory eh? they can sell their bodies, so why the hell can they not sell the minimal-clothing on those bodacious bods? get em' girls.

"When my hooker girlfriends parade pretty and proud, they are speaking about themselves and become revolutionaries," says founder Gabriela Leite. "

revolutionaries? well that's not exactly the word that comes to mind when i think of hookers, but since when does my opinion ever really matter?? 

this fashion label is owned by a non-government based organization whose main purpose is to "increase the social conditions of street workers." how come hookers on van buren never get a break like this? i say we deck them out in some dereo'ns and make beyonce proud. 

the fashion line was first founded four years ago with a main purpose of bettering and fighting the discrimination against the "hooker profession". 

well... what does the labels name mean? Daspu directly translates to "for the whores". if that's not classy, i don't know what is...

gabriela leite, a former prostitute herself and owner of the brand, also heads the non-profit organization "DAVIDA", which represents over 4500 women in rio and fights for both aids prevention and the well-being of, whores. another main initiative behind leite's efforts was to provide a regular steady income for hookers.

"daspu gets rid of prejudice. it opens paths for the citizen whore."


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