Tuesday, September 15, 2009

girl, interrupted

Soo the VMAs didn't go so 'Swiftly' did they Taylor? It's kind of funny to me about how widely blown out of proportion the whole Kanye West/Taylor Swift VMA situation as been blown. But, on that note... I will offer my opinion for once and for all.

No, I unlike the millions and trillions of dedicated MTV fans did not actually watch the VMAs live... but when I went to read CNN that night for some homework, I did notice that the TOP STORY on CNN was about Taylor Swift. I'm sorry, but I am sick and tired to death of hearing about her, reading about her and seeing her face everywhere.

She's not that talented. She's not that cute. She's not really that... anything. I posted some non-chalant bogus comment about the whole 'debacle' on Facebook that for some reason received an unexpected reaction:

Christine Capuano thinks kanye west is the shittt. sorry taylor swift.. go back to nashville or something
Lindsey Kupfer
Lindsey Kupfer
BOOOOOO why would you ever say that. shes 19 winning her first award and that dbag ruined it for her. she sold more cd's then him... hes a dick
Yesterday at 11:08am · Delete
Courtney Farrier
Courtney Farrier
christine, i dont hate you. but i hate you for this haha. i agree dudes a fool.
Yesterday at 11:11am · Delete
Elena Difiore
Elena Difiore
*ditto to linds. kanye's mama is shakin her head right now
Yesterday at 11:14am · Delete
David Matt
David Matt
you suck
Yesterday at 12:12pm · Delete
Abel Zerai
Abel Zerai
He may be a fool but that was hilarious and nobody has the guts to speak what they are thinking nowadays...we all know it makes no sense to win best video but lose in the best female video for the same song
Yesterday at 12:40pm · Delete
Christine Capuano
Christine Capuano
because she's a COUNTRY singer. i'm not gonna go and hate on her talent cause god knows... i dont have any haha, but come on now. she doesn't belong at the MTV video awards. go to the CMA's. stay in nashville with your little songs about a jo-bro breaking you heart.
Yesterday at 1:11pm · Delete
Lana Hockett
Lana Hockett
there is a difference between speaking your mind and being classy. 

but i love christines pt of view of I gave a shit. lol
Yesterday at 2:18pm · Delete
Christine Capuano
Christine Capuano
thank you lana. this is why i love you.
Yesterday at 2:31pm · Delete

wowwwww people. i was not trying to start world war 3 over here. especially, not over someone as dull as taylor swift. i just think that A) kanye west IS the shit. B) taylor swift is over-rated. C) SHE'S A COUNTRY SINGER. SHE SHOULD BE BACK IN NASHVILLE, AT THE COUNTRY MUSIC AWARDS OR DOING SOMETHING BESIDES STEALING THE BEST VIDEO OF THE YEAR FROM BEYONCE!!!

seriously what's so great about taylor's videos? she cries about getting publicly dumped by a 
jonas brother and lets the tear drops on her guitar? i'd like to see her do this:

Beyonce Pictures, Images and Photos

single Pictures, Images and Photos

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