Thursday, June 9, 2011

Fuck Stephen Ass Smith

Here's a blurb from ESPN's radio show Mike & Mike in the Morning:
This morning, Smith said that he's "[heard] things" through the "grapevine" of a "personal nature," and it may or may not involve, "somebody other than the player," and it may or may not "have a profound effect on the player," and it has nothing to do with "the game of basketball."

Fuck Stephen A. Smith. How is any of the tripe considered journalism. Stephen Smith has heard there are rumors that Lebron's dealing with personal issues? Well whooopity fucking dooo daaa. Oh wait these personal issues have something other to do than with basketball?????? Sweet Jesus no!!!!
Can I ask a serious fucking question? Who the fuck doesn't deal with personal problems? Do you know what makes great players great? When they can take all of the distractions out of their lives for 3 hours and play a great game. You think Michael Jordan didn't have personal problems? Oh wait his dad got murdered on the side of the road, but did that stop him? No, it just made him take a little detour through the baseball minor leagues. Did Kobe let rape hanging over his head ruin his season? Fuck no. He almost won the goddamn MVP that season. All that Stephen Ass Clown Smith is reiterating is that Lebron james is a giant 26 year old baby who will never have what it takes to be great. The more and more this series wears on, the more and more I feel as if there is no possible way that the basketball gods could allow this fraud to win a championship.
But then again, there truly may be no such thing as basketball gods.

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