Monday, June 15, 2009

self-help or self-hurt?

all consumers of the #1 new york times bestseller turned blockbuster sensation had to hear was that it was penned by, the writers of 'sex & the city' and they were sold. little did they know that they were in for an intriguing session of mind trickery and century old cliches that were undoubtably going to drive the average women nuts.

believe it not, (something tells me you're going to believe it) 74% of self-help books are purchased by women. ya don't say? i can honestly say right now that almost every single one of my girlfriends have either purchased or hit up the library to see what in fact the author of 'he's just not that into you' had to say. well greg, you ruined most of our relationships, therefore, lives. personally, i think greg's an asshole.

between "he's just not that into you", "skinny bitch" and "hungry girl 200 under 200" paper-back self-helpers targeted towards women have taken the best-sellers list by storm. the #2 hardcover best-seller also happens to be a self-help book for ya don't say, women. "act like a lady, think like a man" is written by comedian steve harvey. other best-sellers include gender neutral genius hardcovers such as "last lecture", "the total money makeover" and "thank god it's monday". 

it is thought that these kind of books give women a so-called 'competitive social edge' and ever since prehistoric times women have used exactly that, social ties, as a means of survival, while men of course chose, hunting. we are taught to believe that by 'bagging the right guy' we can achieve this type of acceptance. if not that, possibly by sharpening our presently dull gossiping skills?

i supposed it occurs at a young age... maybe around 15, 16 when females are first magically convinced that self-help books such as, 'he's just not that into you', can help enforce your inner girl-power; however, they are really doing nothing more than awakening that dormant 'low self-esteem' that you thought was somewhat combatted at that point. wrong.

society has live pre-orchestrated to make women passive and make men the designated proposer of marriage. if the role's were reversed you would be seeing a whole lot more books on the best-sellers table at barnes & nobles reading, "how to get your lady to pop the question!"

so in a nutshell women=passive, but in order to be successful you need a man and you need him to marry you. thus, society expects something of women, but denies them the actual control and means to achieve this. no wonder there are 38473984739847 readers of these 'self-helpers' trying to seek any type of control they can.

sorry greg, but relationships are no where near as easy as your cute little book suggests. so as for your "genious insight" thanks, but no thanks.

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