Thursday, April 9, 2009

Obama gets his TV on, too.

dude the more i hear about president obama,
the more i freakin love him.
he's so human and normal; not to mention
the man is an absolute genius.

im so tired of hearing stupid people (cough...cough megan mccain)
talk crap about him. he's our president first of all so regardless, so show respect
but he's done nothing wrong. he's was put into presidency at the heart of a financial crisis
and i think he's doing an amazing job. so suck it.

really though, i watched megan mccain on larry king the other day
and she was just going on and on and on about 
"hmmmm, maybe the president shouldn't go on leno and talk about basketball
and instead explain to me how these morons at AIG got bonuses"

well: news flash blondie. he brought up AIG at least seven times and even
the NEW YORK FREAKIN' TIMES wrote that for perhaps the first time
in the shows history most of the discussion was related to talking about the tax policy.
sorry that your 94 year old daddy didn't win but seriously get over it.
would you like a tissue or something?

i think its insanely awesome that he can talk about basketball and television
and actually seems like he can relate to his people.
yes, we want to know what you're doing to get us out of this hell of a recession
but at the end of the day,
its nice to realize that he's a normal person too who is really not that different than the average american people.
mccain would probably just be talking about denture cream and walkers?
ew, he creeps me out...

just for the record ms. mcLAME: he also said, 
"we're going to do everything we can to get these bonuses back"
so next time you open your mouth on national television;
know what you're talking about

and lets not forget,
any man that can actually manage to put on a smile
next to this raging bull dike
is A-OKAY in my book.

obama also talked about what television he likes to watch
when he gets the time to sit down, kick back & relax!
among his favorites were entourage:
gkfhgjkdhfjgh i love this show too
its on on such awkward times so i hardly get to watch
it, but its seriously such an awesome show.
reasons for you to love it too...
1. its produced by marky mark wahlberg
2. adrian grenier who plays vince, the hollywood actor
is smoldering in the "boy next door", he's super hot but doesn't know it kinda way
actually... he definitely knows it.
3. jeremy piven plays an f'ing badassssss.
he's my favorite character on the show
ari gold is the man! he play's vince's agent!
he's always so fired up, aggressive & spontaneous, i love it.
4. Kevin Connolly & Kevin Dillon both add a lot of laughs to the show as well.
5. plus, there's lots of hot steamy lovin' going on all the team.

which, always makes things a w e s o m e.
check it out,
psh...obama does?

now the show that actually got called "obama's favorite" is the
apparently an epic depiction of how the media falsely represents the fundamental
political, economic and social realities that went on throughout the phenomenon of the first
four seasons.

the series is based off of the creator's 13 years of experience at "The Baltimore Sun".
It represents recent trends in the newspaper industry that have managed to make high-end journalism extremely vulnerable. being a journalism major, you can probably
imagine that every single one of my professors rant & rave about this show.
its too bad that the show is in its final season.
apparently, the creator felt that due to the current situation in america
this would be a great time for amazing material and the perfect ending to a wonderful
5 seasons.

but what will the president watch next??!

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