Saturday, April 18, 2009


i think its time these two lovely ladies GET WITH THE PROGRAM.
its a waste of time and breath
to keep talking/hating on the internet, cell phones, and all new modern technology
it's not like its just gonna simply go away

we're in 2009 now girls.
get with it.
invest in a facebook, myspace, twitter
whatever your little hearts desire
it will change your life.

"I hate the internet. I find it dehumanizing to constantly check emails or social sites which have become so fashionable."
-Keira Knightley

ummm... you only hate on it because your rich enough
to have your personal assistant do all your email dirty work.

maybe, go invest in eating a sandwich or something
instead of running your mouth and trying to sound like your above 2009.

""I believe that computers have taken over the world. I believe that they have in many ways ruined our children. I believe that kids used to love to go out and play. I believe that social graces are gone because manners are gone because all people do is sit around and text. I think it's obnoxious."
-Stevie Nicks

I love you Stevie buuuut ever since I saw you on Jimmy Fallon
I am convinced that your tokin' up on some opium or whatever weird hippy drugs
seem to tickle your fancy these days.

We are hair twins though so I won't hate on you another word.
I <3>

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